
Posts Tagged ‘Taiyaki’

Tea Time

The Mouse “found” a couple of “orphans” at the back of the freezer. The Mouse thought “tea time”.

Before sweets, something to “ground” the stomach.

Shell Pasta, Soy Beans, Seaweed

Lightly seasoned with olive oil and sea salt.

Then, the main event.

An Pan, Taiyaki
Green Tea


Be safe, eat good.

The Mouse

Lahaina/Maui Strong

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The Mouse had a “weird” eating day yesterday. Dropped off The Cat for test, hence the liquid diet. Waited around town until she was ready to pick up. Stopped by the Bishop’s office to consult with manager and grabbed a cup of coffee. Gassed up the car, minor pump price shock. Pit stop at Rainbow Drive-In, the Kalihi branch, not the original Waikiki location. Just in time for breakfast menu before changing over to lunch.

Fried Rice, Two Eggs

The fried rice, celery, white onion, Portuguese sausage. Local style. Pretty good, The Mouse would order again. Huge portion, under $6.00. Good, cheap eats,

Fried Rice Detail

After The Cat was released, light lunch at Olive Garden. The Cat just wanted soup. The Mouse ordered a soup and spaghetti lunch special. Soup was okay, too much salt, spaghetti was room temperature at best. The Mouse took the spaghetti home to “improve”.

The Cat got home and went to bed. The Mouse ate “dessert” for “dinner”.

Oat Bran Muffin, Mini Taiyaki

Japanese “goldfish”. Much better than. Hee hee.

Be safe, eat good.

The Mouse

🙏 Maui Strong

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The Mouse, just making eats.

The Cat’s Bowl

One scoop of rice, cabbage, baked potato, asparagus, one egg. Steamed. Sprinkle of salt.

The Mouse’s Bowl

Scoop rice, Vienna sausage, with sausage au jus, baked potato, and seasoned burdock root.

Taiyaki or Bungeoppang

Probably more taiyaki, purchased from a Japanese grocery store.

Be safe, eat good.

The Mouse

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‘Tis the season. Hee hee.

Cookies from M and Chef H

Okinawan sweet potato.

Pound Cake

Home baked from a neighbor. Neighborly gesture. 🙂


Japanese fish-shaped filled pancake pastry. The Mouse bought at newly moved/opened Japanese grocery store at the mall. Traditionally filled with red bean paste. Mmm!

The Mouse will be hibernating soon. Hee hee.

Be safe, eat good.

The Mouse

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Another lazy Saturday. The Mouse played around with sliders.

Tulip Slices on Bao Bun, Dinner Roll

I know, I know, it’s not SPAM. The Mouse has a perfectly reasonable explanation. The warehouse had a couple cans in the kitchen, co-worker wanted to use half. The Mouse took the other half.

Sliced them and dry fried. The Mouse thinks the dinner roll was a better platform for the “luncheon meat”. But after all, it’s all about the pickle. Hee hee.

The Mouse finally made it to the mall to start Christmas shopping, yikes! to be honest, already did some on-line. More comfortable.

But, on-line, there are no snack opportunities. Hee hee.


Made fresh and hot! Yay! The Mouse went with the traditional red bean filling.  Nom!

Nutella would be too rich and the other filling might have dairy. Sorry, TMI.

The Mouse also stopped in Chinatown. Later on that.

But, saw a sign of hope. The old Wo Fat, the restaurant, not the Hawai‘i Five-O villain, had fallen on hard times since the restaurant closed, used to be a fave for special occasions small kid time.

Sign, The Past


Sign, The Future?

Realistically? The Mouse is not expecting the old restaurant to return, but hope they do the location respect and the flavor that it used to be. But who knows with government? projects. For now, the initiative is started. Can only wait and see.

Enjoy. Eat well.

The Mouse

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