
Posts Tagged ‘Ube’

‘Tis the season. Hee hee.

Cookies from M and Chef H

Okinawan sweet potato.

Pound Cake

Home baked from a neighbor. Neighborly gesture. 🙂


Japanese fish-shaped filled pancake pastry. The Mouse bought at newly moved/opened Japanese grocery store at the mall. Traditionally filled with red bean paste. Mmm!

The Mouse will be hibernating soon. Hee hee.

Be safe, eat good.

The Mouse

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Comfort Food

The Mouse (and The Cat) is (are) back. Short trip to Hilo, semi-business for The Cat, The Mouse went along kinda as driver. Pics and stories coming. In the meantime, last night dinner. Schedule still out of whack, jet lag and all. Hee hee.

Max’s of Manila, near The Mouse’s workplace.

Dishes that meet The Cat’s food preferences.


Vegetables? Check. Soupy? Check.

A little too much shrimp paste for The Mouse’s taste, good with rice though.

Papaya Chicken Soup

Again, soupy? Check. Vegetables? Check.

Well cooked. Chicken was not “dried out” from overcooking, papaya was soft, but not falling apart.

Really though, the main reason for coming here was for the ube ice cream (The Cat was jonesing for).

Ube Ice Cream

The Cat would have gone for a bowl of Halo Halo, but watching her weight and too much food.

Enjoy. Eat well.

The Mouse


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