
Posts Tagged ‘Poke’

The Mouse had a fish day.


Smoked Salmon Sandwich, Fruit


Fish Bento

With vegetable gyoza. Not the best (pre-packed food inherently has quality issues), but cheap enough. Hee hee.



The Mouse had a good day. 🙂

Be safe and well.

The Mouse

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Take-Out Eats

While playing “tourist”.

Spicy Ahi Poke Wrap
Shoyu Ginger Poke
Bowl of Ramen
Chasiu Rice

Because The Mouse avoids soup noodles in take-out containers, it’s just not the same.

Lilikoi Mead

Reminded The Mouse of hard apple cider, light and refreshing, welcomed after driving/sightseeing all day. 🙂

Stay safe and well.

The Mouse

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An epic eats chef’s choice from Chef H:

Split Pea and Ham Soup
Poke with Caviar, Shiso Leaves, Pesto, and Crispies

One of the best non-traditional poke The Mouse has tasted. Mmm.

Foie Gras, Salad, Raisin Toast Point

Another mmm moment. The Mouse took some of the foie gras home to savor later, The Cat scarfed hers. Hee hee.

John Dory, Steamed Rice, Almonds, Greens, Tomato Coulis

Fish was very moist and tender. Another mmm. 🙂

Lemon Sorbet

Palate refresher. 🙂

Lamb Chops

Usually, The Cat kinda avoids lamb because of the smell but she didn’t mind Chef’s dish. Hardly any lamb smell.

Peach Melba with Mango Sorbet

Perfect ending to epic meal. Thanks Chef H again!

Stay safe and well.

The Mouse

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The Mouse has been kinda/sorta jonesing for battered/fried fish (think fish and chips or fish fry). Didn’t happen yesterday, The Mouse got fish, just different preparations.

First, The Mouse needed to get a blood test. On the way home, did some grocery shopping. Picked up brunch from the bargain shelf. (The Mouse had to fast before the blood test).

Inari Sushi with Poke

Normally, The Mouse is hesitant from buying raw fish from the bargain shelf but the plate was just placed on the shelf (The Mouse watched the clerk stock the shelf), and the color of the fish still looked good. Lucky.

The Mouse also bought a buttermilk biscuit, but biscuit and gravy was not an option for The Mouse, no sausage on hand and that type of gravy is forbidden (dairy).

Biscuit and Sweet Potato

The Mouse threw something together from the pantry/freezer (no recipe).

Sardines and Spinach over Biscuit with Sweet Potato

Similar saltiness and mouth feel, a good substitute maybe even a little healthier. The Mouse was happy.

Stay safe and well.

The Mouse

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A little road trip to the north side of the island (to light a bic). A stop at the converted Kahuku Sugar Mill on the way back, it’s become a “village” of food stands and food trucks. A little too early. The Cat and The Mouse waited.

Poke Stand


Sugar Cane Juice Stand


Taco Stand

The Cat and The Mouse ate (and drank).

Poke Salad

Limu and spicy tuna, tossed fresh, there is a difference. Nom!


Lingua, fried avocado, shrimp. All mmm.

Mexican Coke

Of course.

Sugar Cane Juice with Mango

Supporting small business, yeah!

Stay safe and well.

The Mouse

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