
Posts Tagged ‘Frozen Spinach’

The Mouse has been kinda/sorta jonesing for battered/fried fish (think fish and chips or fish fry). Didn’t happen yesterday, The Mouse got fish, just different preparations.

First, The Mouse needed to get a blood test. On the way home, did some grocery shopping. Picked up brunch from the bargain shelf. (The Mouse had to fast before the blood test).

Inari Sushi with Poke

Normally, The Mouse is hesitant from buying raw fish from the bargain shelf but the plate was just placed on the shelf (The Mouse watched the clerk stock the shelf), and the color of the fish still looked good. Lucky.

The Mouse also bought a buttermilk biscuit, but biscuit and gravy was not an option for The Mouse, no sausage on hand and that type of gravy is forbidden (dairy).

Biscuit and Sweet Potato

The Mouse threw something together from the pantry/freezer (no recipe).

Sardines and Spinach over Biscuit with Sweet Potato

Similar saltiness and mouth feel, a good substitute maybe even a little healthier. The Mouse was happy.

Stay safe and well.

The Mouse

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Rainy weather. Quick soup for The Cat.

Frozen spinach, dried wakame, egg, salt and pepper to taste.

Quick Soup

Bring water to boil, simmer for a couple of minutes, drops of olive oil at the end, done.


Stay safe and well.

The Mouse

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No Recipe

Frozen spinach.

Canned coconut milk.

Canned chickpeas.

Curry powder.

Salt and pepper.

The Catʻs Lunch

Steamed ancient grains and soybeans. Bento.

Enjoy. Eat well.

The Mouse

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