
Posts Tagged ‘User Error’

No pics today, apparently The Mouse deleted pics. Ugh! Technology! Filling out membership to become a Luddite.

Have to do it old school. Imagination.

The Mouse picked up one bitter melon from the grocery store. Ripe and kinda pale. The Mouse thought to use it right away.

Sliced off the ends, split down the middle, cleaned out the seeds and membrane. Thinly sliced.

For The Cat’s bowl, inspired by Okinawan dish Goya Champura, but vegetarian. Tofu, bitter melon, miso paste, tomato, beaten egg. The Cat slurped.

For The Mouse, goya salad. Bitter melon, tofu, lomi salmon, green onion, a drop of chili pepper water and shoyu. Mmm!

Okay, possibly try again, The Mouse has half a bitter melon left. No user error next time.

Be safe, eat good.

The Mouse

p.s. 🙏 Maui

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