
Archive for June 22nd, 2024

Recommended by The Mouse’s urologist, he is into food. Menu on the web promising. Thursday reservation postponed, through no fault of the restaurant, rescheduled for Friday.


Funny, all of the appetizer items on the web, no longer available. Restaurant is in the process of changing menu, web presence was last thing on their mind. Sigh.

The Mouse had to pivot.

Nagaimo Ohtashi
Nagaimo Ohtashi

The Cat likes mountain yam, supposed to be healthy.

Hachibei Farm Salad
Hachibei Farm Salad
Hamachi Carpaccio
Hamachi Carpaccio

The dish was done very well. Very tasty. Eight paws up. Mmm.

Pork Belly
Okra, Shiitake Mushrooms
Chicken Liver

The chicken liver was … chef’s kiss. Muah!

Quail Eggs

Server brought a dish of dried red pepper for try try.

Red Pepper

The server tried to explain the pepper, The Mouse could not really understand, closest The Mouse could get to was “shichimi”.

Rice Options
Soboro Donburi

Kinda DIY rice bowl, add green onions, ume paste, dashi to your preference. Not bad.

Oyako Donburi

Both The Cat and The Mouse agree, of the two, the oyako donburi was preferable.

Goma Pudding
Goma Pudding

The Cat’s dessert. All of the desserts have dairy, nope for The Mouse.


The Mouse had chicken thigh skewers for dessert. 🙂

Inadvertently, The Cat and The Mouse helped one business in the aftermath of the power shut-down. Support small business.

Be safe, eat well.

The Mouse

Lahaina/Maui Strong.

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