
Archive for July 16th, 2013

First, let me clear up my post from yesterday. I may have misled a couple of readers into thinking the dumplings were not that good. They were, just didn’t knock my socks off. The stress of me making it back in time before the boat left may have also added to my not so stellar opinion. My bad.

I love looking for new experiences, especially when it comes to food (within reason). Some of the Asian stuff is a little out of my comfort zone, but dumplings I can handle. 🙂

Would I do it again? Most definitely, in a heartbeat. Just wish I had more time for the full experience. Our friends reaction may have also colored my opinion. But they have a little bit of food snobbery anyway.

So, the husband (DS) “prefers” Chinese food. I think I mentioned this before. Since the boat did not have a Chinese restaurant, we were a little worried.

I came across an archived menu from the boat that had “Shanghai” dumplings as a featured dish. I was hoping it would be a selection while we were on board.

I think it was the second night, “Shanghai” dumplings was on the menu. At least there was one Chinese dish during the cruise. Asked him if he wanted to order it. He didn’t. Sigh.

I ordered it, just in case.

Shanghai Dumplings

Shanghai Dumplings

Okay, given that they were probably not made by a Chinese chef (or at least trained by one) or they were frozen, the dumplings were not bad. Not the greatest, just okay. The dipping sauce however, was killer. I saved the sauce for my fish course that came later.

The Russian dumplings were much better.

DS never did get Chinese food during the cruise. 🙂

Enjoy. Eat well.

The Mouse

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